Creative home for a creative mind
We have all been at home for what seems like ages. We might never again be able to visit a museum, cafe, cinema or a favorite jewelry store. Things and rituals that broke the stereotype into a thousand pieces every day have now come together in one big NO – I shouldn’t, I can’t, Impossible. Nevertheless, we try not to waste precious time and use it meaningfully; to remain independent, conscientious and above all creative in our daily routine. But where do you still get the energy and inspiration to create when everything around us is so terribly uniform?
Try it right where you are now – at home. Home is your center of fun, knowledge, endless well-being and other activities that will encourage creative moments. Perceive individual parts of the apartment or house as an endless source of inspirational ideas!
Cooking up an adventure
It is said that artists created their most beautiful works when they were hungry. You don’t wait to be hungry and start with creativity right now! Bring a piece of your favorite restaurant home. The exotic scent of spices will bring a pinch of Asia, the homemade apple pie will ensure the atmosphere of a holiday with grandma. There are many things we forget about, but thanks to tastes and smells, they can come back to us repeatedly. Remember what you couldn’t get enough of when you were growing, how reward yourself after a hard day… or just let in new flavors. Cooking is fun and a potion to encourage creativity, which you can then use elsewhere.
Memories on a plate. Non-traditional recipes and good old classics will take you back to pleasant experiences. (Zdroj: Cat&Cook )
Everything has its place and its time
The living room is mainly and above all about relaxation. A place where we sort our thoughts and gain strength for following days. We not only temporally and mentally separate work, but also spatially, working only in a place designated for that purpose. The living room includes a book, a movie show, sitting with friends, afternoon coffee during a break. In short, an uplifting leisure pleasure.
A fireplace, a book or just a cup of tea and a view from the window onto a green garden. In the living room, life slows down and time backspace for a while… (zdroj: Marco Maio architects)
Fewer things, more ideas – Minimalism
The study is a place where your thoughts and ideas are just supposed to rain. Isn’t that so? Don’t be distracted, all distracting elements must go away. The work desk includes a diary, a -notebook, a pen and a computer. Unclassified vacation photos, scattered toys, un- ironed laundry… Remove everything that distracts you without mercy. Be minimalist and maximize your work concentration. Ideas come into your head, and that’s what needs clean space.
Can’t you figure anything out? Just get started! Write the first thing that comes to mind, whatever it is. Even most absurd might be what is just separating you from the starting line and the blank paper. (TechniStone®, Decore Ocra)
What else helps when you have exhausted all avenues and seem unable to figure out where to draw further inspiration? Whether you are facing a new project, writing texts, designing furniture or solving a tricky business problem, a clear head is the basis for letting in new ideas. But the old ones have to go out first, and this is best achieved as follows:
- By moving the body
The head and body understand each other perfectly when you give each of them what they need. Exercise, turn your head off for a moment, move your body.
- Cleaning
Organized chaos is a sign of intelligence, but often a plethora of things can bother you. If you work from home, a pile of laundry will constantly remind you of everything you haven’t done yet.
- Constructive discussion
Gaining the view of an independent observer is beyond gold. What you have been worried about for hours can be solved by the pleasant advice of your seemingly disinterested friend within a few minutes. And even if he didn’t come up with any, just having said your assumptions out loud will help you sort them out, get rid of the old, unnecessary ones, and on the contrary, let the new ones rise higher, where you can reach them better. If you don’t have such an ally, it doesn’t matter, write your thoughts on paper as if you were telling someone and read them aloud. With time you might be able to reconsider them and start a mental journey.
- The experience of others
Don’t try to reinvent what has already been invented or try to be original at all costs. Sometimes the best ideas lie behind decades of proven advice. Browse sites related to your topic, read interviews with industry experts, and play a podcast or audiobook. Look for different sources of knowledge, develop and learn from the best, because the worst killer of creativity is to procrastinate and eventually stop learning. Learn to harmonize available information from different sources.
- An empty diary
Few people do well if they have a diary full of exclamation marks, and a “to do” sheet about the length of Kosma’s Czech chronicle. Do not procrastinate. Do the burning tasks in the morning, Don’t put them off until later. You will think about it all day and psychologically dampen your creative flow.